Exhibition Open 6.9 - 9.11.24

Vernissage with the artist September 5th, 18:00

Contemplating the experience of living independently within an interconnected world, South Korean artist NADi explores the delicate equilibrium between personal freedom and mindful awareness. Behind Connections presented at Aia Contemporary is her inaugural solo show. 

When I receive a gift of flowers, I see the whole universe that brought that one flower to me. And there is you who thought of me while choosing that flower. It feels like I have been given the whole universe. The flowers come to me at their most beautiful moment and quietly wither away. Still, I am left with the moment when I was given the whole universe.

(Memory of Flowers, NADi)

Available Works


Když dostanu darem květinu, vidím celý vesmír, který mi tu jednu květinu přinesl. A jsi tu ty, který na mě při výběru té květiny myslel. Mám pocit, jako by mi byl darován celý vesmír. Květiny ke mně přicházejí v nejkrásnějším okamžiku a tiše uvadají. Přesto mi zůstává ten okamžik, kdy jsem dostal celý vesmír.

(Vzpomínka na květiny, NADi)

Jihokorejská umělkyně NADi se zamýšlí nad zkušeností nezávislého života v propojeném světě a zkoumá křehkou rovnováhu mezi osobní svobodou a vědomým uvědoměním. Behind Connections představená v Aia Contemporary je její inaugurační samostatnou výstavou.


“In the art of NADi there is no differentiation between the grandiose and the mundane. The Mythical Unicorn and a simple collection of stones are given equal reverence, one is a creation of the human mind while the other is the product of millions upon millions of years of geological process, both are products of the same universe. It is in that moment of contact that an individual sense of relativity gives life to these strange meetings in time and space. 

Her works, with their washes of pale browns, deep blacks and a rather conspicuous splash of red somehow feel as though they were formed with the very aspects of nature upon which they comment. The soil of the ground beneath our feet, mixed with the night itself, pierced by moonlight and tinged with flesh. Ever present through is the hand of the artist herself though her broad gestures and raw brushstrokes she is always apparent, for it is her universe we see and so, as these things go, I suppose it’s our universe now too.”

September, 2024


Stain - Andrii Vokov


Kyiv to Prague - Andrii Volkov